Monday, September 8, 2008

We made through the hurrican...

Yeah for us!! We only lost a few shingles and Seth's shed where he kept the lawnmower! It proved to be a rough time though. Me, Lexie and Seth's sister and her son left to go to Alexandria on Saturday afternoon. My in-laws were already there. We had a great trip up there. The traffic moved pretty good and we made good time. The first two days there were great. The kids got to swim and we ate a LOT so it was like a mini vacation. The first two days we were in a regular room and had a suite reserved the rest of the week (we weren't sure how long we would have to stay). We were so excited to move to the suite that way the kids would have a tv and could play and the adults could keep an eye on the weather and chat. Not two hours after we were in the suite...the electricity went out...YUCK!!!!! Lucky for us the windows opened, but only about 4 inches up. It was comfortable at first until it got dark. Walking through the hotel made me feel like I was in a scary movie. It was pitch black and everyone had flashlights. We had to take the stairs and everyone knows what happens when you take the stairs in scary But we made it. I had a hard time sleeping. I was worried about tornados espically since Seth had sent me a text warning me that they were in the area. Lexie was sleeping for about a hour or two when she woke up in an anxiety attack. She was gasping for air and kept saying she couldn't breath. It was horrible. There was no air in the room. My mother-in-law fixed her a cold towel, but she said it wasn't working..we tried fanning her and that wasn't working. I offered to bring her outside but she didn't want to go (which I wasn't mad about since I would have been scared to take those stairs again). We ended up having to put her in the bath tub with cold water. It worked!! She was able to calm down and fall back to sleep. We left at about 6:30 the next morning. We came home to no electricity, but we had a generator so at least we had a window unit, our fridge and large freezer and I tv working, which is more than I can say for the hotel. I wonder why these new hotels (the hotel was only 1 year old) aren't built with generators. I'm sure they make plenty of money, but anyway. We didn't get electricity back until late Thursday afternoon. So even though we had a storm which thankfully didn't cause too much damage to anyone I know, Lexie and I both got a week off of school/work!!!

So I forgot to mention that Lexie had a GREAT day the Friday before the storm. She went to school happy which makes me happy!!! Then on top of worrying about the storm, I was worried that she would have a hard time going back to school today. She kinda cried this morning, but ended up having a great morning and day!!! They were suppose to have their first volleyball game today, but it got cancelled. She will be having a game on Wednesday and we are so excited to go watch!!! Please continue to pray for her! She is getting better with the seperation/anxiety/panic attacks, but she continues to battle this horrible illness.

I'm going to try to work on posting more often, but don't hold your breath!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Let me first start off by saying that the pageant that my friend and I direct was a HUGE success!!!! We worked very hard on this pageant and all of our hard work paid off!!!! We were very proud of ourselves and are excited about our new year with our queens!!!!

Hurricane Gustav is approaching Louisiana. If anyone knows me, knows that I am packing up and moving I dislike staying home during hurricanes. For Rita we left town, only to be turned around because the hurricane turned and was going closer to where we were staying. So we sped home. I have never been more afraid during a hurricane. I said I would never do that again. I don't mind staying home if it's going towards New Orleans (We stayed home for Katrina and were fine). I'm just going to be worried about my family. Seth can't leave unless it's a mandatory evacuation because of work and my parents won't go far. Then there's my brother who should be returning from Germany this weekend. He was doing training for the National Guard and we already found out that they are on alert for the hurricane. He has been gone from his children for three weeks. They miss him very much and it may be another week or so before they see him. Hopefully Gustav will weaken and spare Louisiana!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

My daughter....

If you have ever had a panic attack or know of someone who suffers from these you will be one of the few who can relate to what our family is going through at this time. My 10 year old daughter has recently started suffering from extreme anxiety and panic attacks. At least it's extreme to me. It seems to get worse every day. We pray so hard for her to overcome this horrible obstacle. She is a wonderful girl. She's very trusting, emotional, loving, and just an all around good kid. It's so hard for me to see the fear in my daughter's eyes when she is having this attack. Comforting words and lots of hugs don't seem to help. Being stern doesn't work either. I am so tired of the people, who just don't understand, tell are the parent and you need to tell her to stop, or give her a good smack or if she was my child...blah, blah, blah. I just shrug off their comments and know that I am doing what is best for MY child. Every child is different and I'm sad that Lexie has to go through this. Like she told me yesterday....this is torture. My heart breaks everytime I see her go through this and I ask God to give it to me. I would take any and all pain, whether is emotional or physical, from her. She is my life and I miss the "old" Lexie. Please pray for her to have the strengh to work through this. We love you Lex!!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Lexie's toes....

Lexie had her procedure done on her toes yesterday (to cut the nail beds on both big toes to prevent her from having ingrown toenails that she has been having since she was 2 years old). She was quite nervous. After the nurse came in and told her what was going to happen she walked out to get the Dr and Lexie started to cry. I told her everything would be OK. The Dr came in and started the shots. This had to be the worse part of the whole procedure. When I tell you Lex was screaming. She said it was so painful and even after two Z packs she still had an infection in her toes so that made it more painful. Once the shots were done, it was smooth sailing. We even managed to go and take an AR test for school after we left!! We ate lunch and by this time the shots were starting to wear off and she was complaining about the pain again. We got home and I gave her half a pain pill that was prescribed to her. Early this morning she came meet us and told me that her toes were hurting again. I let her crawl in bed with us only to bump her toe with my foot and then right after that the cat jumped in bed and guess where she landed...yep on that same toe I had just hit. So after all that I ended up taking the day off again today to be with her. I felt like she needed me to stay with her. I know if I would have went to work I would have regretted going. She is doing better right now. I gave her an Advil early this morning and she just soaked her feet and we are about to eat lunch then I will probably give her half a pain pill. I know that once all of this is over with, she will know that it was the best decision because she will be able to walk and not be in pain anymore!!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Our first blog.....

I have decided to join on the bandwagon and start a blog. I'm very new to this so please don't expect too much in the beginning. We had a great 4th of July weekend!! We had my friend's daughter, Miley, for a few days and had a blast. On Friday, we slept in and then headed to Franklin to Seth's parents house. My in laws rented a huge water slide for the kids and we spent most of the afternoon there. On the way home we stopped in New Iberia at our friends, Kiley and Susan's house and went swimming while the guys fished in the pond. We stayed a little later than we planned, but had a great time. Saturday we slept in again and Seth went to the camp with some friends to try to get things ready for hunting season. Lexie and I dropped off Miley then headed to Lafayette for some girl time. I needed some new shoes and just had to have a few new outfits so I made a deal with Lex. If she was good and didn't ask for anything we would go to a movie after we shopped. She was sooo good. We shared a Chinese plate at the mall after we bought my stuff then went to the movies. We watched Wall-E. It was pretty good, but there wasn't much talking in the movie. Lexie told that's because they are robots. I got kinda bored in the middle of it, but it soon got my interest again. After the movie we stopped by my parents house for a short visit then came home. We aren't planning on doing too much tomorrow...just church and then maybe another visit to my parents so that Seth can help my dad with a couple of projects he has going on. Have a great Sunday!!!!